Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Happy Thanksgiving
Well, here we are, the day before Thansgiving. In 2000, I was on bed rest waiting for Princess to be born. I had high blood pressure and was on total bed rest, which meant I could get up to go to the bathroom, make something to eat, then I could lay on my left side either in bed or on the couch, kind of boring!
I didn't know I was pregnant until I was 7 months pregnant, I have poly cystic ovary syndrome, and the long and the short of it is that women with that syndrome usually need help getting pregnant. All the doctors had said I would need help. All those pregnancy things? Tired? Weight gain? Movement? I thought I had uterine cancer, the signs are the same for the most part. In my defense, Princess was not a big mover until the end, and I am a heavier woman, so the weight gain thing, I only gained 20 pounds the whole pregnancy. I found out I was pregnant the weekend befor Halloween from a home pregnancy test, then officially on Halloween which was a Tuesday, from the Dr. That's also when I realised I had only 8 weeks to get ready for this!! I almost considered putting her up for adoption, I was single and knew that her father wouldn't be in her life at all, I was scared. Besides, I had put the thought of having kids out of my mind when I divorced, and that had been painful. All of a sudden I had to switch gears in my head. All it took to convince me to keep her is hearing her heartbeat, the most beautiful sound I had ever heard, and seeing her ultrasound. She was beautiful even in the womb!!! I have never regretted my decision to keep her, she is the sunshine in my life. Being a mom is the hardest job I have ever loved.
So this Thanksgiving, I am so very thankful for Princess, for her almost 4 years of gracing my life, and she IS the reason I have a relationship with Mom and Dad, mom is not easy to get along with. So she has enriched my life so much and I give thanks for her presence.
I would love to hear what everyone else is thankful for, post a comment or drop me an email :-)
I promise to respond to each and every post or email. And have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone, count your blessings and forget about the crap :-)
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