Thursday, July 07, 2005
No creative title here.
My heart goes out to the people in the UK. My heart goes out to the victims. My heart goes out to the men and women who fight to defend us, even if I think the war in Iraq is wrong, these people who go there when our leaders sent them they are NOT wrong and should be applauded. Can someone please tell me when this will stop? Please? I am not enjoying the ride. I want my child to grow up knowing that the good guys win, but how do I do that when I'm not too sure about that anymore. How do I tell her to embrace differences in people and yet tell her not to trust strangers. How do I raise her without fear when I myself am fearful.
I have no answers.
Just prayers, sympathy, and an overwhelming desire to lock her and myself up somewhere safe, if I knew where that was.
Be safe everyone, and vigilant. Very very vigilant.
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