Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Easter to all!

I hope everyone's Easter is going well. Below are some pics of this morning, more to follow tomorrow. Enjoy the day!!!

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 3:00 PM
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    1. Name: Crazy Single Mom
    2. Location: Connecticut, USA

    3. I am a 44 year old
    4. single mom of a 6
    5. year old little girl.

    6. Want to learn more?

    7. View My Profile!
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    1. The Easter Bunny was very generous to Princess!
    2. Grammy, Grampy, Princess, and Uncle. They look col...
    3. Princess and Uncle feeding the geese
    4. The Geese they were feeding
    5. A few pics of Wadsworth Falls, I love the fact tha...
    6. You feel so peaceful here, and slightly humbled
    7. Ewww!
    8. Griping session now started
    9. The Weekend Fun
    10. Princess impatiently waiting for the show to start! 
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