Sunday, September 25, 2005

6 pictures of the weekend, a good start to Fall!

Hayride on a Fall day Posted by Picasa

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 6:16 PM
  • --------------------

    1. Name: Crazy Single Mom
    2. Location: Connecticut, USA

    3. I am a 44 year old
    4. single mom of a 6
    5. year old little girl.

    6. Want to learn more?

    7. View My Profile!
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    1. Mommy's helper 
    2. Fruit of the harvest 
    3. Fresh wonder 
    4. Sign of the season 
    5. Majestic 
    6. Hey this is hard work, but I seem to be enjoying it!
    7. Phew I'm back!!!!
    8. Princess with her teacher
    9. Princess climbing the rock wall at the Goshen fair...
    10. We had a wonderful time this weekend. We went to s...
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