Monday, September 19, 2005

Phew I'm back!!!!

Ok after an extended absence, I am back! My absence started because I just became so busy with the start of school and my new schedule, and then when I was ready to blog again, the ol computer went kaplooie!!! The power source went, which meant the computer didn't turn on, a little hard to blog when you have no working computer hee!! A good friend of mine was quite the hero, and has installed a new power source, and now I am back WOO HOO! Funny how you don't miss something until it's gone! So tonight I am going to blog, and tomorrow night I'll get around to catching up on all of your blogs as I miss you all very much!!!! So much to say, so let's get started shall we :-)
Princess has taken to her new school quite well, at the end of the post there will be a pic of her and her teacher. The first week went by well, but the second one started with tears, I think it finally dawned on her that she wouldn't be seeing her old friends every day, and she missed them. Already she is meeting new friends, and she loves the learning at this school! I have already seen an improvement in her drawing, her recognition of letters and numbers, and she has learned the names of the days of the week! She takes to learning like a duck to water, and I'm so happy I made the switch, I think she would have been bored doing the same class over again at her old school. Plus, since this is pre-kindergarten, I feel better not sending her to kindergarten at age 4. She continues to amaze me everyday!
Now for what is happening to me... As many of you know who have read my blog for a while, I'm a larger lady, and while I am comfortable with me and have a healthy dose of ego, I realize as I age this will start health problems. I have read with much interest in Ricks (aka Connecticut Yankee) running stories, and how he wants to lose weight to live longer. This inspired me, thanks Rick! I too want to live a good long time, and now, before the health issues start, is the time for me to battle this particular demon that has haunted me for way too long. I joined the local YMCA, which has recently updated their gym, and hired a client of mine who is a personal trainer to help me get healthy, and have also joined weight watchers. I have been successful losing weight in the past, but never successful keeping it off. However, I never really exercised as I HATE it....So I think if I tackle that particular thing, I may be successful this time, at least that is the goal! I also think I need to write down some of my thoughts and feelings, as this will also help me in my goal. I want to see my grandchildren thankyou!! So, here's to a new venture, I'll keep you posted on my progress ( 3 days at the gym and 5 pounds so far) and if any of you have words of encouragement or success stories of your own, please share! There will still be stories of Princess as she is integral to my life, but there will also be some personal things shared and progress. Here's to a new me, next year you won't recognize me :-)
Thankyou all for your concern as to my absence, I'm back and ready to tackle the world, well at least the internet hee!

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 8:58 PM
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    1. Name: Crazy Single Mom
    2. Location: Connecticut, USA

    3. I am a 44 year old
    4. single mom of a 6
    5. year old little girl.

    6. Want to learn more?

    7. View My Profile!
  • --------------------

    1. Princess with her teacher
    2. Princess climbing the rock wall at the Goshen fair...
    3. We had a wonderful time this weekend. We went to s...
    4. My little girl is growing up!
    5. The Weekend in Pictures
    6. Beautiful scenery from our trip last night to the ...
    7. The gift shop and Inn, so quaint, we want to go ba...
    8. The sign, the restaurant has been owned and operat...
    9. Princess outside said restaurant, after eating wha...
    10. Today we spent the whole day at the beach (remembe...
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