Sunday, June 26, 2005

Princess and her Uncle Red at Ikea, she idolizes him. Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 10:28 PM
  • --------------------

    1. Name: Crazy Single Mom
    2. Location: Connecticut, USA

    3. I am a 44 year old
    4. single mom of a 6
    5. year old little girl.

    6. Want to learn more?

    7. View My Profile!
  • --------------------

    1. Princesses bed, see how high it is, and how nice!
    2. The bookshelf with plenty of room to store things,...
    3. Princess with new t-shirt and hat that roomies mom...
    4. Psykit, being SO happy that roomies mothers dog wa...
    5. A long post inspired by a bumper sticker
    6. I've got nothing!
    7. Conversations with Princess
    8. Something in the middle would be nice!
    9. And the heat goes on!!
    10. Grumbles and Musings
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