Friday, October 14, 2005
Rain rain go away!!!
It has rained for over a week now, and I'm beginning to feel the blues because of it. Thank god it's supposed to stop tomorrow, because I think I would otherwise open a bottle and drink heavily, and I don't even drink heavily normally lol! Work has been interesting, I talked to my boss about the slight I felt he had given me, and we worked it out. It's not perfect, but I told him how I felt, and he listened. I don't think he truly gets it really, but at least he tried. Princess has learned a new trick, she has learned to lie about when she feels sick. The week before she had a rash all over her body, and last weekend she had a fever of over 103. Both times she got quite a bit of attention, so this week she claims her throat hurts. Normally after the other two things, I would believe her, after all she has been sick. However, it's funny how her symptoms disappear when she wants something! I looked at her throat, and it looks fine. She may actually have a little sore throat, but not to the extent she's playing it. Some of the joys of having a child get older! Ah I love her though! With all my heart. This week working out with my trainer, I made the mistake of telling her the weights I was working with didn't hurt anymore, so she upped the weights on me. Can we say ouch I can't lift my arms?? Today I finally feel normal hee! On the good side of that, I can feel muscle in my arm!!!! And my legs are definitely getting thinner, and those babies are usually the last to go down when I go on a diet, so woo hoo exercise!!!! This weekend we are going to visit my brother and his wife and kids, which both Princess and I are looking forward to. Nothing else to say, thoughts are a bit sluggish in this weather. Have a good weekend everyone!
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