Friday, July 07, 2006

Vacation Away!!!!

Tomorrow I leave for vacation, so I will talk to you all in a week :-)
I can't WAIT to plop down on the beach hee!!!

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 10:42 PM
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    1. Name: Crazy Single Mom
    2. Location: Connecticut, USA

    3. I am a 44 year old
    4. single mom of a 6
    5. year old little girl.

    6. Want to learn more?

    7. View My Profile!
  • --------------------

    1. Happy 4th!!!
    2. Ah the sweet sweet summertime starts!
    3. Life is a soap opera, or is that soap bubble!
    4. Check It Out
    5. What a Wonderful World!!!!
    6. Easter and family. Both wonderful.
    7. Mom's house is FULL of surprises!
    8. Why we are going to hell
    9. The slamming door and what it means
    10. I think they were talking about my evil twin hee!
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