Thursday, May 25, 2006

Check It Out

Have you guys ever checked out It's a very informative site that lets you see where your child's school stands in many different aspects. Check it out, I did and feel better about where my child will start Kindergarten. The test scores are slightly low in this school, but the feedback from parents was for the most part positive. Soon we'll have kindergarten orientation, and then.....The world opens up for Princess, what a wonderful time in her life!!

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 11:02 PM
Monday, May 15, 2006

What a Wonderful World!!!!

Happy Belated Mother's Day to all you wonderful mothers out there, and to you "mister" moms too!! I hope your day was as wonderful as mine was. Princess presented me with a picture she drew of me in a field of flowers, a butterfly with her handprints as wings, and a wooden butterfly that she painted at an arts and crafts store that my roomie took her to, pictures above. On top of that, roomie made me a delicious breakfast with the help of Princess, then I went out with a whole bunch of mommies to a wonderful buffet dinner at a restaurant called Adams Mill. All in all, I felt loved and so happy that I was blessed to be a mom. I called my mom (who was supposed to be at my brothers house but because of the rain did not go, I will visit her soon) and had a wonderful talk with her. On this day of all days we are equals, a nice place to be with her. I ended the day with a trip to Target, how much better can a day get??? I hope all of you are as blessed with friends, relatives, and a child (or more) who think you are the center of the world, at least for one day :-)

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 9:18 PM
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    1. Name: Crazy Single Mom
    2. Location: Connecticut, USA

    3. I am a 44 year old
    4. single mom of a 6
    5. year old little girl.

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    1. The Pup Count
    2. Dogs and Puppies
    3. My Dad
    4. Back....yet again!
    5. What The???? Revisited
    6. What the???
    7. Happy New Year 2006
    8. Pictures Finally!!!
    9. The Good candy, The Bad bug, and The Ugly side of ...
    10. Kindergarten Woes
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