Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Chuck E Cheese and other fun things

So my sister in law and her kids came for the weekend, and we had a great time! On Saturday we went to this wonderfully tasty Italian restaurant and sis in law and I drank WAY too much wine, to the point where roomie had to drive us all home hee! Princess was besides herself with joy because her cousins were here. That night when we got home, it started to rain, then the temperature fell FAST, and then it was sleeting with high winds in the wee hours of the morning. I know this because I couldn't sleep and was up to hear all the commotion. Lots of sleepless nights lately, money is tight right after the holidays (and childs birthday) and I tend to obsess. By the morning, the morning of Chuck E Cheese, there was quite a bit of snow on the ground with this oh so lovely layer of ice under it all, and the locks on the cars were frozen. My niece climbed through the back of sis in laws suv and opened it from the inside, by kicking at the door while sis in law pulled on the outside. I was wondering how many kids would show, 14 did. 14 kids at Chuck E Cheese, thank god this is a 5 year old party and parents tend to stay with their kids at that age! Princess was SO happy to see everyone there, and to see Chuckie! She and a whole bunch of her friends stood at the edge of the stage (they have an animatron music show for those of you who are not part of the Chuck E fan club hee) yelling Chuckie!!!! And one of her friends jumped on stage.... I pictured them 15 years from now with lighters in their hands lol!!!! I ordered a Spiderman cake for Princess, yes she still has the same obsession. Then after the party all the kids got free tokens (part of the party package) and went to town playing games and generally running around like mad things. It's a good thing that the party was at 11, can you imagine sugaring them all up then sending them home in the afternoon "I am too old to nap but I sure do need one" time???? I think the other parents were grateful! Then we all went home and spent a quiet time at home the rest of the day.....Ok the adults were pooped and lounging on the couches and the kids were up in Princesses room generally behaving yet again like mad things, but the cool thing was we were downstairs and they....they were upstairs and away from us! There are pluses to having older cousins around let me tell you! The next day we went to see The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe. I read the books growing up and loved them, and thought that this was a very good screen adaptation of it!! I hope they make more of the books it was that good!!! Then sis in law and Princess cousins had to go back home, sad day for all of us as we had a BLAST!!! There are some weekends that seem magical and like nothing could go wrong, this was one of them. Hectic, and filled with lots of screaming kids at the party, and I am so glad I have Princess to experience it all!
There now, I told you guys you would be jealous, see it WAS the best weekend :-)

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 9:18 PM
Thursday, January 12, 2006

Princess turns 5 and gets smart hehehe!

My daughter constantly amazes me. She just turned 5, and for some reason that seems to be the magic number for her to be able to do things like numbers and letters. Mind you, she's been in daycare and preschool since she was very young, and between them and me we have certainly kept her mind active, but when she was only 4 (just a few weeks ago) she would tell me all the time that she "couldn't do it" because she was too little. Now that she is 5, she tells me "you know I can do that because I'm 5 and I'm a big girl now". Ever marvel at how they think hee! Just the other day, we had this conversation (I'm using first initials of names only)

Princess: I have two cousins!
Me: No sweetie, you don't, you have more than that. You have C and K and T, how many does that make?
Princess: (thinking for a minute) three!
Me: That's right! And you also have N and A, how many is that?
Princess: two!
Me: That's right again! And how much is two plus three?
Princess: (thinking hard again) Five!!!!
Me: Oh you are so smart!!
Princess: And I'm their cousin and I make six!

Just a few weeks ago she would have told me she was too young to do numbers, amazing what a birthday can do :-)

This Sunday I am finally getting around to having her kids birthday party. I know I know, her birthday was December 26th, but you try to have a birthday party for you kid the day after Christmas or even that week, when you also work full time, NOT a thing that I can do. So anyway, I booked it at Chuck E Cheese, so wish me luck or send me valium as there will be up to 15 kids at her party not to mention all the other kids there! Send me some ear plugs too while you're at it. All kidding aside, I get such a kick out of her having so much fun, so I'll get through it :-)

I know, you're all jealous because you won't be having as much fun as me this weekend hee!!!!

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 9:05 PM
Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A sad day

I just heard the news today about the miners. Imagine thinking your loved ones were found alive through miscommunication and rumours, only to find out just one person survived and he is in critical condition. Send the survivor your thoughts, and also the family members. Go here to see the whole story.

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 7:43 AM
Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Please send a thought

It doesn't look good for the miners. Please give them and their families a moments thought today, and let's all hope for a miracle. Go here for the news as of this morning.
I feel for all of them.

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 10:57 AM
Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!I hope everyone's New Year's Eve party was successful. Mine was! I had good friends over and we had good food and many drinks. Princess actually made it to 12 woo hoo!! JUST made it, as she was in bed and asleep 15 minutes later hee!!! I have decided not to do New Year's resolutions this year, it puts so much pressure on you and then you feel bad when you don't live up to them. So instead, I am reaffirming what I have already begun in my life.

I will continue with weight watchers, I made it through the holiday season without gaining much at all, so picking up where I left off will not be hard

I will continue working out at the gym, I surprised myself by actually LIKING working out, who knew!

My goal is the same, to be healthier and fitter and able to do more with Princess, like riding a bike. She got a new one for Christmas and if I want to keep up with her I need to be on one too.

I will be around for a good long time do I can be in my daughters life until I'm old enough to be a burden to her lol!!!!!!

So you see, no new things, just reaffirmation of existing goals.

I got an I-Pod from my friends this Christmas woo hoo!!!! I was overwhelmed by their thought and generosity. This will make being on the stationary bike at the gym MUCH more enjoyable!!! Not to mention just being able to put my music in one place. I am going to put my CD's on the puter so I can then add them to my playlist. My daughter is now 5, when did she get so big!!!!

Tell me about your new years, either the resolutions or the reaffirmations, or the lack there of, Happy New Year!

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 9:27 AM
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    1. Name: Crazy Single Mom
    2. Location: Connecticut, USA

    3. I am a 44 year old
    4. single mom of a 6
    5. year old little girl.

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    1. The Pup Count
    2. Dogs and Puppies
    3. My Dad
    4. Back....yet again!
    5. What The???? Revisited
    6. What the???
    7. Happy New Year 2006
    8. Pictures Finally!!!
    9. The Good candy, The Bad bug, and The Ugly side of ...
    10. Kindergarten Woes
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    15. January 2006
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