Monday, August 29, 2005

We had a wonderful time this weekend. We went to see Grammy and Grampy, and there was NO fighting!! This is always a major accomplishment when I go home to see my parents. Dad looked great, and so did mom. Dad has problems with his kidneys, so I'm always happy to see him doing so well. His doctor told him that he may need to go on dialysis in a few years, which I know he won't do, He's gonna be 84 this year, and as far as he is concerned, he has led a full life and has no intentions on prolonging it with any medical treatment beyond the ordinary. I respect him and his wishes, but you can see why I'm so happy to see him doing well! One bad thing this weekend, it was HUMID, and they don't have air conditioning, so it was hard to sleep last night! Oh well, when I complain I think of the Gulf Coast and realize that I don't have it hard at ALL.
Tomorrow, I will pick up Princess from her daycare early and take her over to her new school for orientation. This is a chance for me to meet other parents and for her to meet other kids. It's starting to dawn on her that this new school doesn't have her friends in it, so she's a little nervous. It'll be good for her to meet some of the kids she'll be going to school with. Then Thursday she starts!! I have no idea what to expect, I only know that this school does a lot of Montessori work without the Montessori philosophy, which means that there is more discipline than in a regular Montessori school. This is good, as Princess left to herself to learn would certainly NOT do that, she likes to play too much. She needs the discipline. Usually I am wittier than this in my posts, but quite frankly I'm tired, I just got home now from Mom and Dads and wish to go to bed now if I could, so know that in my head, and am witty as all heck and very funny too, so add the one liners wherever you wish to spice this post up I won't mind :-)

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 7:18 PM
Wednesday, August 24, 2005

My little girl is growing up!

Last night I found out that Princess got into the pre-school that I was on a waiting list for! This morning I went to see it, and you couldn't ask for a prettier setting for a school not to mention that it has a great reputation for truly preparing kids for regular school! I'm not catholic, and this is a school run by Nuns, so I felt a bit awkward talking to the Sister, but she instantly put me at ease. I must admit to a few mixed feelings. At first I was ecstatic that she got in, and that just kind of led me to the kind of parent I DON'T want to be. You know, the kind that picks the right pre-school so they can go to the right grade school and on to the right high school all leading up to Harvard or Yale. And here I am picking a pre-school which I feel will benefit her academically! Here is the big difference, I want my daughter to be able to support herself and be happy, period. I want her to go as far as she can, with me guiding her but NOT pushing her into what I think is the "right" kind of life. So I assuage my conscience with this, that I am not the kind of parent who puts school before her kids. I was then overwhelmed with sadness, this is a milestone here people! This is a pre-school that happens to have after school care, it is NOT a daycare that happens to have a pre-school. There is a world of difference in those two things. My daughter is growing up. She will be 5 this winter. I am so proud of her and yet I want her to be little for a little while longer. So here's to a new beginning, for My Princess. I am so proud of her, and saddened just a bit.

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 9:18 PM
Monday, August 22, 2005

The Weekend in Pictures

Thankyou all for your kind thoughts after my really bad day, and yes things have gotten better. My bank (best bank EVER!) did make good for my car insurance, and didn't even charge me another bounced check fee for it. I never did get any satisfaction from that company, but I am doing my own checks from now on, so they will NOT h ave access to my account as of this weekend. Speaking of the weekend it was a wonderful one! Last night, Roomie and I were bored, and looking for something new to do and possibly go eat. We went to the Fife and Drum restaurant in Kent, which is WAAAAAY far away, like an hour and a half, but wow the ride was worth it, we went through the northwest hills of CT and that is some pretty country, so without further ado, below are pics from this weekend.....

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 7:15 PM

Beautiful scenery from our trip last night to the northwest hills of CT, this was right behind the restaurant. Posted by Picasa

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 7:14 PM

The gift shop and Inn, so quaint, we want to go back for a whole day as Kent Falls is right u p the road and is supposed to be wonderful, then back here for dinner as the food was yummy! Posted by Picasa

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 7:13 PM

The sign, the restaurant has been owned and operated by one man for 32 years, he used to be the piano player for Rosemary Clooney! Posted by Picasa

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 7:12 PM

Princess outside said restaurant, after eating what is possibly the best burger ever! Posted by Picasa

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 7:11 PM

Today we spent the whole day at the beach (remember my weekends are Sunday and Monday) Princess is getting to be such a good swimmer! Posted by Picasa

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 7:10 PM

I tried to get a pic of Princess doing push ups in the water, instead I got a pic of her falling after doing them hee! Posted by Picasa

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 7:09 PM

A hole filled with water which Princess could NOT resist! Posted by Picasa

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 7:09 PM

Princess and a new friend on the beach planting their "garden", as you can see we had a ball! We left around 4, but I could have stayed longer but Princess was starting to fade. I hope you all had such a good weekend too! Posted by Picasa

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 7:07 PM
Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Can we start again please?

My day has been interesting to say the least. It's one of those days where you just want to put the covers over your head and take a do over. It started this morning with Princess being cranky, which is not unusual but what is unusual is how sad she seemed, so I kept her home for the morning as I did not have any clients until later. Then I left a bit earlier with her to stop at the bank and take care of a bill, where upon I found that my account was overdrawn, which made me stop as I have been careful as all hell lately as I had a few weeks of piddly things being overdrawn which caused a fee of 27 dollars every time. So I have watched EVERYTHING... And yet I was still overdrawn. So I checked into it, and found a check for 347 dollars and some change had been posted against my account. It was an electronic check, and when I looked into it further, it was a check that should have been taken out NEXT week! I know this for a fact, because the first two to three weeks I tend to keep a tight reign on everything as I have rent, car payment, and insurance all due. So I would never have made it for the week that car payment and insurance was due! Now here's the bad part, my car insurance did NOT post yet, so that meant that if it went through today or tomorrow, it would bounce. Ewe!! Thankfully I have the most wonderful bank anywhere, who said they would do an override and authorize the payment to go through regardless, which is great but now I have 54 dollars in bounced check fees! I called the company who posted a week early, which made me want to scream. Please understand that I am NOT an unreasonable person (well ok perhaps I am but that is only once a month and if you give me chocolate and salt all is well) and understand that mistakes are made. But the reaction I got was "well what do you want US to do about it, it's only a week!" So I proceeded to tell them just what a week early meant for me and could they just put it back, which they said no, as it would take 3 to 4 days and by that time it would be next week (ARGHH!!) so I said fine at least cover my bounced check fees as THEY ARE YOUR FAULT and again they said no and that I could feel free to sue them, which they probably knew I wouldn't do as it would cost me more to sue them than the fees. We open up our accounts to companies so we can live without the hassle of writing out checks and mailing them, but when we do we open ourselves up to corporations that only care for THEIR bottom line, not yours. The madness has got to stop and I am investing in stamps right now! Work seemed to be ok, but I found out that we have a meeting on Saturday after work absolutely mandatory. This does not bode well as my boss right now is going through a messy divorce and he seems to come down hard on us when his life has no structure, as if making us "tow the line" will make the madness in his life easier to handle. Then, I picked up Princess and upstairs neighbors son from a friends house as roomie and upstairs neighbor is busy with a show and upstairs neighbors husband was busy and took them for ice cream. Well there was a line a mile long, and try telling to young kids that the line is too long and you need to go home without ice cream after you promised! So we got home late, and now I hear upstairs neighbors son crying hard and I think his father is probably cussing me out right now, life is SO pleasant today!!!
Can I start over please??????

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 9:31 PM
Monday, August 15, 2005

Old Friends.....

I had a phone call the other night, from a long time friend of mine. We call each other occasionally, never as much as we would like, but we both have busy lives. She lives very far away, and we haven't seen each other in YEARS...However, that doesn't seem to make a difference in our friendship. When that phone rings, either on my end or hers, we are instantly together, in the kitchen drinking coffee and talking. Not really, but that's how it feels. The years and the distance don't seem to matter. I've known her since highschool, and we have certainly seen each other at our best...And our worst. All this goes through my mind each time we talk, along with an overwhelming feeling of missing her. I wish we COULD sit in the kitchen with coffee, I wish we could play cards with wine, by the way we are both cutthroat with cards, we play to win and we play for blood, but in the end we are still friends no matter who wins. I wish she was next door so we could kibitz about our lives and our children. But the phone calls help, it keeps us connected. I was married twice, the first time to a man whom she dated for a short while, when she dumped him I should have gotten wise and stayed away, neither of us knew his potential to be a nightmare. The second marriage I'm not too sure she knew him well, but she was there during that time too. She was married once before her current marriage, to a man who is good, but wanted and demanded that she be someone whom she isn't. I have been there with my first marriage, so I knew the symptoms. I'm not sure if any of my advise helped her find herself again, but she did, got divorced, met a nice man, and moved away. I've missed her since. Not just because she has been a part of my life for so long, although that is part of it. I don't have a lot of friends that I can say date back that far. There is one I have known even longer, since we were very young, and when I go back to my home town, I still see her. I feel though, that if that friend and I were closer, we would still be long time friends who see each other occasionally. With this other friend with the phone calls, I feel that if we were closer, we would be much more than that. Don't get me wrong, I have met many wonderful people since then, many of them in my life now, my roommate being one of them, but there is something about my phone call friend that is different. The last time she called, she told me about another friend of mine whom I don't keep in touch with anymore. This friend was wonderful, and I still have a pain in my heart because we aren't friends anymore. But I always had to stick up for her to my other friends, tell them that she really DID have a heart of gold it just didn't always show. You see she was a bit caustic. After a while, I got worn down, and tired of the energy she took. My phone friend, told me about one of her friends who is very much like my caustic friend. She told me "I found a (caustic friends name) but I have never found another Nina. I too have never found another friend like her. We are not at all alike, we aren't even the same age. She is much smarter than I, I think I am a bit more street wise than her. We both have ditzy tendencies. But for all the differences, we work, we fit as friends. She has two wonderful kids, twins, one of which has some problems which she and her husband are doing all that they can for, even over the phone you can feel the love in that household. She had a child a long time ago, back when we were both young and our skin was firm, which she gave up for adoption. I know that has pained her for years, but she did the right thing. She is a much better mom now than she would have been then. It was an open adoption, and she recently contacted her child's mother, and she wrote back, there will be a meeting soon, I hope it comes out well. I don't think the daughter is looking for her to be a mom, nor is she looking for another child. They just want to know. I as an adopted child know why they want to, even if it isn't apparent to any of you. When I think of my phone friend I get a sense of nostalgia along with longing that we were closer, but I love that our friendship is still strong despite the years and the distance.
Here's to good friends, wherever they are, here's to memories of all of them, even the ones we have lost. It can be bittersweet at times, but to close oneself off from friends, is to stop living. Live well, and keep your friends close, no matter the distance.

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 8:01 PM
Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I'm back, and actually have something to say!!

Well here I am folks, after a lengthy absence. I still feel somewhat blog sluggish, but I figure if I don't start to blog again I'll never do it again, and truly I would miss all of you! We just came back from Sesame Place, Princess and I, and we truly had a great time! We went with my sis in law and her kids, and a friend of mine and her kids. We all got along famously, which in kid world is saying a lot! On the way down, a three and a half hour ride took five and a half hours, curse you George Washington Bridge and construction!!! The next time I head to Pennsylvania, I'm taking another route, because even if it's out of my way, it'll still take less time than going through the Bronx and over the George Washington bridge. Princess, because she was over excited and over tired, ended up throwing up on the way down. We pulled over into a Home Depot in NY, I stripped Princess down, wiped her off with wipes, and re-dressed her in clean clothes. Then I went into the bathroom and washed her other clothes, oh the joy of traveling with kids hee! That first day, we just hung around the hotel and swam in the pool, a big hit with all the kids let me tell you! The next day, we drove to the Crayola Factory, and a good time was had by all. Now if you have kids who are into crafts, and seriously I don't know too many kids who aren't, that is a place to be let me tell you! I'm not sure who had more fun there, the kids or the grownups. The next day, it was Sesame Place, and thank god it's a water park, because it was HOT!!! My sis in law doesn't sweat, which sounds nice on the surface, but it means that she gets physically ill when in the heat too long. So we spent a lot of time in the water, which appealed to all of us. My favorite rides were the ride where we were all in a raft and went down a tunnel and down a large water slide, and Big Birds river ride. In that one we sat on tubes and floated down, where water would hit us occasionally, so much fun!! We ate at Longhorns, and if any of you have one by you, go to it if you like really good steak, yummm!!!! The next day, which was the day we were leaving, My youngest nephew ended up not feeling well, but did manage to make it to the park on last time. However, on the way home, we had a repeat of on the way there, only this time it was my youngest nephew who got sick, which made his older brother gag. Oh joy!! Again it took longer than it should have, but we made it home, and literally passed out until the next day!! Below are some pics, we truly had a GREAT time! I love doing things like this with my daughter, I like making the memories!!

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 7:00 PM

The pool at the hotel with very happy kids Posted by Picasa

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 6:58 PM

Crayola Factory crafts, hey any paint can be finger paints to little kids! Posted by Picasa

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 6:56 PM

The worlds largest crayon! Posted by Picasa

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 6:53 PM

One of my favorite rides Posted by Picasa

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 6:50 PM

Fun with face paints Posted by Picasa

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 6:48 PM

goodbye Sesame Place, we had fun! Posted by Picasa

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 6:40 PM
Monday, August 01, 2005

More posts about nothing

Thomas asked me:

If you could make a movie about your life who would star in it? Good question!! I think it would have to be Margaret Cho, only straight, and older. Her sense of humor is close to mine, and plus I like her. I think she could do the tragedy and the comedy well in my life !

Any other questions, keep them coming, it gives me something to blog, I know I know a total cop-out, but hey I'm still in summer mode :-)

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 4:52 PM
  • --------------------

    1. Name: Crazy Single Mom
    2. Location: Connecticut, USA

    3. I am a 44 year old
    4. single mom of a 6
    5. year old little girl.

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    1. The Pup Count
    2. Dogs and Puppies
    3. My Dad
    4. Back....yet again!
    5. What The???? Revisited
    6. What the???
    7. Happy New Year 2006
    8. Pictures Finally!!!
    9. The Good candy, The Bad bug, and The Ugly side of ...
    10. Kindergarten Woes
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    1. November 2004
    2. December 2004
    3. January 2005
    4. February 2005
    5. March 2005
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    8. June 2005
    9. July 2005
    10. August 2005
    11. September 2005
    12. October 2005
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    14. December 2005
    15. January 2006
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