Monday, November 29, 2004

I feel pretty...oh so pretty....

Quick, theater buffs!! What is that song? No prize for the right answer, but hey it's fun :-) I opened my blog the other day, and was shocked, there was a kitty there!!! I yelled to Oliquig "My blog! It's changed!" She came out of her room with a smile and said, "Merry Christmas a little early!" She did this for me :-) And thanks to Ro from ciaomybella for the design, she actually did the work. For those of you who have read my blog, I am VERY new to this blogging thing, so I have no idea what I can and can't do, so thanks Oliquig for making blogging so much easier for me!

Today I took Princess for her Christmas photos, along with Little Man, my upstairs neighbors son.The pics will be done on Dec 15, can't wait to get them! For anyone who may want a Christmas card with Princess on it, send me an email with your addy :-) Ok ok, so I am shamelessly proud of my daughter and put her on everything :-) She also visited Santa, that pic I will put on my blog.

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 10:59 PM

Princess and Santa, she told him she wanted a whistle and a teddy bear. which she has three or more of, but hey one can never have to many teddy bears! Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 10:56 PM
Saturday, November 27, 2004

Crazy runs in the family!!!

So here I sit, tired after the holidays, ordering chinese because the thought of heating up leftovers seems like the hardest thing to do ( I worked all day you see). Does Princess suffer from this malady? Nope. She has learned to pause the dvd player, and does it whenever. Tonite she did it so she could let her "dog" out. The invisible one, we don't have a real one! Then she's sitting in her lounge chair, and all of a sudden she screams "Aaahh! I gonna pee in my pants!" Both Oliquig and I say " so go to the bathroom" She runs down the hall to the bathroom chanting " I gonna pee in my pants, I gonna pee in my pants!" Ever wonder how kids don't realise they have to pee until it's almost too late?? Don't you wish you could stand up at work and go " Aaahh I gonna pee in my pants" and run out of the room? LOL too funny!!!

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 5:38 PM
Friday, November 26, 2004

The kitchen helpers, both my SIL's. The one in front of the door is SIL who took the family pic Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 8:09 PM

My table, pardon the mismatched chairs! Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 8:08 PM

The whole family, minus one SIL who took the pic. The SIL next to me is the one I went shopping with Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 8:07 PM

Fun with playdough! Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 8:05 PM

Pies I baked, pumpkin and apple, got a litte involved on the crust, but they came out nice! Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 8:04 PM

One Holiday Down.....

So here we are, the day after thanksgiving. I successfully pulled off the whole shindig, and Mom was even impressed!!! Now that takes some doing. Roomie helped me the night before getting things prepared, she peeled all the onions, now THAT is a friend!!! A few feaux pas.....The turkey was done a whole hour earlier, and part of the family wasn't even here yet, so basically, the minute they came in we sat down to the shrimp cocktail, followed immediately after by the main course. I made enough stuffing to feed a whole third world nation, next time I'll know better!! Everyone had a good time, and no one fought, woohoo!!! Princess wes so excited to see everyone she didn't fall asleep until 10:30 that night, WAY past her bedtime. She and her youngest cousin got into a few things, like roomies postits....which I peeled off the coffee table this afternoon lol!!! They tried to hide what they had done with tissue. Part of my family camped out in my living room on air mattresses, and Princess was right with them. Today SIL and I went shopping, we actually tried to see The Polar Express at the Imax theater in 3D, however that was sold out until 5 tonite, and they had to head home before that. When the family left this afternoon, Princess was very sad, she cried " I didn't give my cousins enough hugs and kisses!" She is so sweet, and was very cranky after they left, well since she didn't fall asleep until late, and woke upi early, I am NOT surprised!! Me, I am VERY tired, but happy that everything went so well. So how was everyone else's thanksgiving??? Do tell :-)

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 7:52 PM
Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving

Well, here we are, the day before Thansgiving. In 2000, I was on bed rest waiting for Princess to be born. I had high blood pressure and was on total bed rest, which meant I could get up to go to the bathroom, make something to eat, then I could lay on my left side either in bed or on the couch, kind of boring!
I didn't know I was pregnant until I was 7 months pregnant, I have poly cystic ovary syndrome, and the long and the short of it is that women with that syndrome usually need help getting pregnant. All the doctors had said I would need help. All those pregnancy things? Tired? Weight gain? Movement? I thought I had uterine cancer, the signs are the same for the most part. In my defense, Princess was not a big mover until the end, and I am a heavier woman, so the weight gain thing, I only gained 20 pounds the whole pregnancy. I found out I was pregnant the weekend befor Halloween from a home pregnancy test, then officially on Halloween which was a Tuesday, from the Dr. That's also when I realised I had only 8 weeks to get ready for this!! I almost considered putting her up for adoption, I was single and knew that her father wouldn't be in her life at all, I was scared. Besides, I had put the thought of having kids out of my mind when I divorced, and that had been painful. All of a sudden I had to switch gears in my head. All it took to convince me to keep her is hearing her heartbeat, the most beautiful sound I had ever heard, and seeing her ultrasound. She was beautiful even in the womb!!! I have never regretted my decision to keep her, she is the sunshine in my life. Being a mom is the hardest job I have ever loved.
So this Thanksgiving, I am so very thankful for Princess, for her almost 4 years of gracing my life, and she IS the reason I have a relationship with Mom and Dad, mom is not easy to get along with. So she has enriched my life so much and I give thanks for her presence.
I would love to hear what everyone else is thankful for, post a comment or drop me an email :-)
I promise to respond to each and every post or email. And have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone, count your blessings and forget about the crap :-)

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 7:59 AM
Monday, November 22, 2004

other side of mantlepiece..yes it is a VERY big mantlepiece! Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 5:27 PM

Photo gallery on the side of mantlepiece Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 5:26 PM

our mantlepiece I decorated and cleaned for Thanksgiving Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 5:25 PM

These are the curtains Oliquig hung, before that we kind of looked like a dorm room with blamkets in the window hehehehe Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 5:24 PM

What part of Thanksgiving are you

You Are Mashed Potatoes

Oridnary, comforting, and more than a little predictableYou're the glue that holds everyone together.
What Part of Thanksgiving Are You?
I was reading Empty Nests blog and saw that, so I took the test too. We are both the same thing, but hey I kind of like being the glue :-)

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 8:01 AM

Busy Busy Busy!

Ever notice how much stuff you have to do to prepare for a Holiday? Especially when it's the first time you've hosted said Holiday for your family. Don't get me wrong, the cooking isn't a problem at all, I love to cook and am pretty good at it, it's the logistics of having 14 people in your home, when your home isn't very big.

So here's what I have been doing to get ready:

What I have to do today:

What I am thankful for:

Busy I am, but I'm not stressed. I actually like all the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Have a great day everyone, and keep smiling, a smile helps destress the holidays!

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 7:58 AM
Saturday, November 20, 2004

Let them eat cake!

I think that Princess would do just about anything for a piece of cake. Today while I was at work, Roomie and Princess made a chocolate cake. (Roomie also did mega dishes and cooked dinner yay roomie!!) So the deal is Princess has to eat all of her dinner to get a piece, this leaves the door wide open to pile on the veggies. She ate every single one!!! Then as I was cutting the cake, the knife slipped from my hands landing on the floor with a clatter. Princess turns around and says "Careful Mommy that's breaka-full, you don't want to break it do you?" Breaka-full!!! Yet another word I will remember and cherish long after she stops using it!

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 7:44 PM
Friday, November 19, 2004

Thief! Thief!

I stole...erm....borrowed....this from Paper Napkin. who in turn "participated" in this from Oh no the blog....happy stealing hehehehe :-)

What I learned this week:

That was fun!!! Thanks to oh no the blog and paper napkin for my theft :-)

Have a great weekend everyone!

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 8:36 PM
Thursday, November 18, 2004

or maybe....pskit bit the dust??? Naaah, she's invincible!!! Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 10:49 PM

The rug is dead....long live the rug!!! Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 10:48 PM

psykit being.....psykit Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 10:47 PM

Heat woo hoo!

I have heat!! Whilst I was at work, the heat fairy came over and gave me heat in the house!! hooray!!!
Princess is conviced that my landlord can fix anything, as can my mechanic. This morning when I was trying to get the furnace guy to come over, she informed me that "You need get 'landlord' so he can fix the heater!" When I told her that he couldn't fix the heater and that we needed someone special to fix it, she said "How bout 'mechanic'? He fix you car" How can you argue with logic like that??

P.S: While sitting here typing Psykit (roomies word for the little kitty) has been trying to open the door by telepathy. When that failed, she obviously decided that the rug in front of the door was the one keeping her from the great outdoors, so she decided that the rug must die!!!!Die rug Die muwahahahaha!!!

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 10:41 PM

Heat glorious heat!

It's 33 degrees outside. I know this for a fact becasue Roomie installed weatherbug on our puter. She actually is the one who installs most everything on the puter, as I know how to type on one and surf the web, and that's it. So thanks Roomie for making my puter life easier :-)
That said, back to it being 33 degrees outside. Inside it's not much warmer as the furnace decided to take a holiday and stop working. All I can say is thank god it's somewhat warm right now, today it's gonna be in the 50's and tomorrow in the 60's. So as I sit freezing now, I know it'll only get better. I'm waiting for the furnace guy to call me so he can come out and lasso up the vacationing furnace and make it work again! Ta ta for now :-)

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 7:54 AM
Wednesday, November 17, 2004


This morning, I woke up to Princess in a good mood, this was a welcome surprise! The morning was good. Tonight, I came home to "gasp" Princess STILL in a good mood!! I was so happy to see the good daughter again. The other one seemed bent on driving me crazy! There IS a god :-)

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 9:12 PM

Morning Musings

While driving to work yesterday I saw something that made me feel less than secure on a highway. I was getting onto the highway behind a huge semi rig, and looking into the drivers rear view mirror I saw the driver on his cell phone. In that big truck!!! Going around sharp corners!!! Those things don't stop easily as it is, but to have the guy on his cell? I was glad I was behind him. Yesterday at work Two clients happened to be in town, not for appointments just because. They brought in their kids for me to see, and they both had the cutest little boys in the world! I want a little boy! Don't get me wrong, I adore Princess and love her with all my heart, just, a little boy too would be great! Well since I'm single, and 42, THAT'S not gonna happen, but one can dream :-)
I have been a scrapbooking madwoman, I finished up many pages in the last few days, and if I do say so, I'm awfully proud of the pages. three more pages and I am done with summer. I'm making a year in the life kind of scrap book for Mom and Dad for Christmas. The next scrapbook after that will be Princess from birth to now. That'll be interesting as I just got my digital camera last year, so instead of having all the pics on my computer I have boxes and boxes of pics to go throuhg. Everyone have a sparkling day!

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 8:15 AM
Tuesday, November 16, 2004

My Weekend, which is actually Sunday and Monday

On Sunday roomie and I went to a "croptoberfest", which is actually a scrapbooking event where everyone sits around and works on their project. Don't get me wrong, I learned a few new techniques, but back when I was mocking my roomie for her scrapbook obsession you never would've convinced me that I too would be going to events like that! If roomie says anything to me about scrapping, I truly deserve any mocking she may do to me :-) There is a girl in our neighborhood that babysits, and she is truly wonderful with Princess! So before she came we cleaned a bit, which Princess objected vehemently to. As a matter of fact, Princess objected vehemently to just about everything this weekend. Last night she went to bed finally in a good mood, I asked roomie where THAT child had been all day! Yesterday I did some deep cleaning in the house, and roomie and I took down the Halloween decorations, we figured they should come down as it's oh I don't know...ALMOST THANKSGIVING!! Actually roomie took the majority down as last minute I remembered that we still needed bread for the homemade chicken soup I made for dinner and ran to the store. Ever have your brain say "go to this store" but your gas pedal foot and your car go to the other store??? Happened to me last night. Well at least the deep cleaning stuff is done, as I am having Thanksgiving and want to impress Mom and Dad. The rest of the family is not as picky, but seeing as how Mom doesn't think I can do Thanksgiving why give her anything to pick on. And now, off to shower for work. see ya.

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 7:53 AM
Monday, November 15, 2004

And so it goes

There are times as a mother I feel that all I do is yell at Princess. She is in the age where everything is a test and a power struggle, and where everything has to be negotiated. I get very tired of yelling. It does no good. So I try to reason, which also does no good because she is only 3 going on 4. So then I am back to yelling. I don't just yell whenever, I do try to stay calm for a bit, but then she just goes on and on and whines, which is like fingernails on a chalkboard as far as I am concerned. Right now she is in her room screaming bloody murder as I type, she is in a time out right now. She's screaming "mommy mommy" in that "if you don't come right now I'll just die" tone. It tears my heart out. But then again I can't let her get away with being so whiny and bossy and mean. So there is the struggle, I love her, but right now I don't like her, which makes me feel awful to admit. But there I said it. Only a few more minutes of time out, and maybe we can try reason again. If I could only stay calm. Not an easy thing to do. She just sobbed out "I really want you mommy!" Can we say manipulation??? You'd think that I put her in the closet with no lights on instead of her room where she has toys galore, which right now she refuses to play with because I think then she knows she wouldn't sound as pathetic. Oh well, this too shall pass, I love her with all my heart and I know that when she's done with her fit she'll realise she loves me too. Life goes on!!!

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 10:16 AM
Friday, November 12, 2004

The older doc is my doc, the younger one? Totally freaked me out when he came in the room as the attending, he was WAY too cute to see me looking like a wet noodle that had swallowed a whale! Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 9:52 PM

I was reading some other blogs by mommies, and got nostalgic, here is Princess when she was born, she was 8lb 3oz and was 20" long. she also had a conehead Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 9:50 PM
Thursday, November 11, 2004

Random thoughts hmmmmmmmm

Why is it that milk at stop n shop is so much more expensive than milk at a convenience store, which usually is more expensive for everything?

Why is that commercial for pepto bismal on the air, you know, the fake macarena one? I mean really....ewww!

Why is it that some stations are refusing to air the showing of Saving Private Ryan? Gee Mr President, nice to make everyone afraid of you. Yeah Censorship!

Ever notice that whatever lane you are in on the highway ends up being the slow one?

And why is it that people will speed up after going real slow when they see you want to pass?

How can one gas station charge $2.15 for gas when the station down the street is charging $2.oo or less?

And why do people buy their gas at those gas stations?


Feel free to comment and add your own hmmmmmm thoughts.

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 9:10 PM

Last Thansgiving, what a difference a year makes! Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 7:44 AM

All of the kids, over this summer at a family picnic at my house Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 7:43 AM

Princess with her cousins and their dog, still trying to find pics of older neice and nephew Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 7:38 AM


Zoot's mom said I lived in a beautiful area, and thankyou, I do! Quiet neighborhood, good neighbors ( except the screaming match the other day) and beautiful places right in my own backyard! Now if only my neighborhood was in a better section of town....ah well you can't have everything! In the morning, my thoughts tend to go in random directions, sorry if it seems odd but hey since you're reading this, deal :-) I am having Thanksgiving at my place for the first time this year. Mom doesn't think I can do it, I am 42, I wonder how old I will have to be to have her think I am an adult. I guess being the baby of the family sticks with you forever. I have three brothers, and all I can say is, sitting in the same room with them is like sitting alone. They really are NOT the talkative types. Maybe that's why mom and dad adopted me, they needed someone who could carry on a conversation lol. Oh yeah, by the way, I am adopted, from Korea, not that I look very Korean as I am only half. Princess with her beautiful grey eyes and light skin and hair doesn't even look the 1/4 korean that she is! Two of my brothers married very outgoing women, so you see how life tends to balance out. Perhaps that's why I am single, no one can get a word in edgewise with me teehee! My oldest brother has two kids who are teenagers, and my middle brother has three kids all around Princesses age. All of us were late bloomers when it came to having kids! I need coffee. I need a shower. I need to go to work ewwwwwwwwww!!! If I can find them, I will post pics of my neices and nephews. Ta ta for now!

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 7:31 AM
Monday, November 08, 2004

woo hoo!

As you can see, I was finally able to upload pics, I had to reinstall with a new name sheesh!!! But, yay for uploading =)

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 10:18 PM

Princess upside down on roomie Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 10:17 PM

See how happy Princess is when we could finally go walking =) Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 10:17 PM

Pretty scenery when walk FINALLY commenced. Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 10:16 PM

Walked back into the woods in back yard, forgot how pretty the stream is. Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 10:15 PM

Princess on her swing set while neighbors were chatting with the cops! ( No where near the cops) Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 10:14 PM

Our morning feeding the ducks Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 10:13 PM


I have "Hello" to post my pics. It won't let me post my pics. It keeps saying "the UI failes to initialize. If there are no other running copies, you should reinstall." I did. it still says it. I emailed the website, they have not gotten back to me. HELP!! Anyone know what to do????

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 4:49 PM

How nice to have good neighbors!

If anyone bothers to read this blog, you probably also read Oliquigs. She told you about an altercation in our neighborhood where cops had to be called. Well, it all had to do with parking of all things. Neighbor A was having a party for her just turned three year old, and neighbor B was bent out of shape because some of her guests parked "gasp" on the street in front of her house, which is directly opposite of Neighbor A's. It got ugly, with Neighbor B saying fuck this and fuck that and fuck you for parking where I park, Neighbor A tried to apologise, and told her this was a temporary thing, that her guests would be gone soon, neighbor B told her to not to let her kids in the front or she would tell her dogs to go after them. At which point Neighbor A called the police. Things finally calmed down when neighbor B was told by the cops that in order to insure no one parks in front of her house she would have to buy that part of the street and they would put lines around it, NOT a cheap thing to do. What were roomie Princess and I doing? Trying to take a walk in our oh so nice neighborhood. Ah well, all was well after a while, the walk enused, and some nice pics of our day will follow this post.

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 8:01 AM
Saturday, November 06, 2004

Out of the mouth of babes

Thursday I was getting Princess ready for school, she grudgingly let me put a skirt on her. She has a best friend in pre-school, we will call her Blondie. This was our conversation:
Princess: Mommy I a boy!
Me: You can still pretend to be a boy even if you wear a skirt honey.
Princess: But I a girl, like Blondie.
Me: That's right honey, but you can pretend to be anything you want to be!
Princess: But I can't marry Blondie...
Me: (trying not to laugh) No honey, you can't, at least in 11 states!
Ever notice how wittiness is wasted on the toddler set?

Yesterday, I went to dinner with roomie and her family, since my family is far away for the most part, they have become like family to me. Princess had to go pottie, so I took her to the restroom. When she was done, I had to go too. She looks at me and says, "Mommy, you have fur on your 'gina!!" At which point I COULDN'T hold the laughter and laughed out loud!! I told her that yes I did, and when she gets much bigger so will she. This did not seem to impress her!

These are only a sampling of the conversations I have with her, I cherish every funny, poignant, sad, silly thing she says. And as much as I want her to grow up to say words properly, I miss certain words, like blanklet. And when she would burp she used to say scuse me I buuurp teehee!!!If you have kids, remember all these things, they only come around once!

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 7:28 AM
Thursday, November 04, 2004

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 8:06 AM
Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Day off

I had an unexpected day off yesterday. I had no clients, no clients, no work. This can be fun, but in my business, no work no pay. I have no benefits like sick days or personal days. So was I upset? Well, the money thing yeah, but I HAD AN UNEXPECTED DAY OFF WOO HOO!!! Remember when I told you I got into scrapbooking? Well after spending close to $200.00 the other night, I spent close to $80.00 yesterday. This is an expensive hobby!!! Add to it my personality that NEEDS to have everything NOW, and you can see I am in trouble!! So, unexpected day off, and spending LOTS of money, perhaps not the smartest thing I have ever done but oh well!! Princess had a meltdown from hell yesterday morning, she all of a sudden asked where her spiderman spinbrush was. To backtrack, about a month ago she HAD to have the tigger spinbrush, and since she had had the spiderman spinbrush for a while, I said ok get it and when we get home throw away your spiderman spinbrush. She did, and all was well until yesterday. Then it was "Mommy where my spiderman brush?" I told her what I said here, and THAT stared a half hour crying jag. I think the sugar is still in her system!!!! Ah well. After that she cuddled with me and all was well. Am I a bad mom that I sent her to pre-school even though I had the day off???? I did need the break, but the mommy guilt is setting in. She did have fun though, with her best friend. That's all for now, I have to get ready for work. No really, I do have to work today!! see ya

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 10:49 AM
Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Little Man, and his parents, such a happy pic! Posted by Hello

• Posted By Crazy Single Mom @ 12:03 PM
  • --------------------

    1. Name: Crazy Single Mom
    2. Location: Connecticut, USA

    3. I am a 44 year old
    4. single mom of a 6
    5. year old little girl.

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    7. View My Profile!
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    1. The Pup Count
    2. Dogs and Puppies
    3. My Dad
    4. Back....yet again!
    5. What The???? Revisited
    6. What the???
    7. Happy New Year 2006
    8. Pictures Finally!!!
    9. The Good candy, The Bad bug, and The Ugly side of ...
    10. Kindergarten Woes
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    1. November 2004
    2. December 2004
    3. January 2005
    4. February 2005
    5. March 2005
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    13. November 2005
    14. December 2005
    15. January 2006
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